The external environment
For us, caring for the environment is not a chore but something we really want to do. It is not merely a question of living up to current rules, but a question of future-proofing our production and being proud of our efforts in all respects. It is an integral part of our corporate philosophy to constantly seek new ways of reducing our energy consumption and thereby of our CO2 emission.
Syntese A/S has been ISO 14001 certified since 2011, proving our deep-rooted dedication to environmental issues.
Every year, we set new and ambitious goals for reducing:
- Waste
- Water consumption and discharge
- Energy and oil consumption
We are subject to mandatory approval according to the IPPC directive (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control).
We also publish an annual environmental report informing about our current situation, including objectives and action plans for new green initiatives and improvements.
We aim to use renewable energy, in 2016 we installed a photovoltaic system and it covers approx. 10% of our electricity consumption. From 2021 onwards, 100% of the electricity we purchase has been based on renewable sources.
In 2003, we received the Copenhagen County Environmental Award thanks to our intensive preventative work.